2024 Summer Camps Registration is Open!

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For K-6th grade information, please contact us WVScienceAdventures@gmail.com

For 6th-12th grade information, please contact wvprogramming@nysacademy.org or 681-317-5257.

We have expanded our summer camp offerings from just Cabell county to also now include camps in Kanawha, Fayette, and Tucker counties thanks to our new partnership with the National Youth Science Academy.


Presentation1Since 2013, the Marshall University College of Science has been hosting K-12 camps, Lego robotic teams, academic tests prep sessions, and science festivals.  Every year we have expanded our offerings and hope you will allow us to show your child a unforgettable experience. With Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, & Math, full STEAM ahead with idea that can learning can be so fun. All camps and programs include hands-on science, include creativity and art, and we sneak math in at every opportunity (and the kids don’t even notice it).

College of Science

College of Science

With camps spanning many fields such as astronomy, biology, coding, chemistry, physics, engineering, microscopy, anatomy, microbiology, and computer programming, your child will explore through both hands-on and activity based learning. The camps offer the opportunity for your child to enrich their science education and see what real science is all about.

Our camps are staffed with MU professors, graduate students, and local professionals to ensure your child is being taught by people whose careers are science based. Camps range from 2:6 to 3:24 staff-camper ratio permitting very individualized instruction. These camps will give your child an opportunity to explore careers in the sciences and, since these camps are in Marshall University laboratories, it’s a great peak to see what college has to offer!

*Click Here for REGISTRATION*

For K-6th grade information, please contact us WVScienceAdventures@gmail.com

For 6th-12th grade information, please contact wvprogramming@nysacademy.org or 681-317-5257.

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